
Jordan M Davenport



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UPMA Ohio Chapter

The UPMA 2024 Legislative Summit

Our Legislative summit was a success. Thank you so much to the many Chapter members that participated. Check back here for information on next year's Legislative Summit.


Ted Gedeon-Legislative Chair


I must admit that before attending this year’s Legisla tive Summit I felt that getting a Windfall Elimination

Provision/Government Pension Offset relief Bill passed in Congress was becoming almost impossible.
But after speaking with several Congressional aides, my hopes were refreshed for passing some form of

reform that would eliminate all or some of the penalties suffered by retired CSRS beneficiaries and their

spouses. I received no push back about passing reform from anyone I met. HR-82, the bill that would

eliminate all of the reductions of WEP/GPO, has plenty of co-sponsors in the House of Representatives
allowing it to pass. The problem all along has been getting enough co-sponsors in the Senate to pass it

The bill in the Senate which is titled S-597 has 52 co-sponsors — 41 Democrats, 3 Independents and 8
Republicans. If 2 more Republicans can be persuaded to sign on to the bill, it would form a filibuster-proof
two-thirds majority that would ensure passage of the legislation. It is still an uphill battle, but very
attainable. We can be proud that both of our Senators from Ohio are sponsoring the bill.
The current legislative session lasts until January of 2025, so there remains nearly a year to accomplish
our goal. Remember, Federal retirees are not the only group affected by WEP/GPO.


Retired police, firemen, EMT’s, teachers, state emloyees and their families are also affected. We are

not the only group trying to pass these bills. There is a very loud voice also campaigning along with us to
get this relief passed. 


And I would be remiss if I didn't thank everyone from Ohio who attended this year’s Summit. We had 14
UPMA members from Ohio participate. You ALL did a fantastic job visiting the
Congressional and Senate offices and communicating our message.
THANK YOU for giving your time to help promote our cause!



Legislative Week - Why is it so important?
Each year, the UPMA nationwide sends it’s membership to Washington, D.C. to confer with their
respective Legislators, both House and Senate from the Districts they reside in. These consultations are about matters that affect our membership such as health care, retirement provisions and yes, issues concerning the postal service in general. This is how we were able to affect the latest postal reform bill recently passed which provided relief from unfunded healthcare mandates that have burdened the postal service for years. But the job isn’t over.
    This year, UPMA went “up the hill” to discuss a variety of issues including the WEP/GPO bills that address unfair compensation from Social Security and other matters affecting retirees who are eligible but are denied their benefits. After a day long session with UPMA leadership and a briefing from the PMG Louis DeJoy, we were empowered to take on the task of addressing the respective congressional representatives and their staff on the matters we had chosen for consideration.
    On Tuesday, March 19th, we journeyed to Capitol Hill and the various congressional office buildings to make our appointed rounds. Some of our members were fortunate to meet with their Representative 
or Senator while most worked with the staffers in each office. Ohio was well covered in that we ensured every elected member received a visit from us on this day. The conversations and dialog were both uplifting and informative. It was refreshing to hear that almost all were well aware of the legislative efforts underway and the majority of representatives who were a

co-sponsor of one bill or another. Because this is a major election year and the budget process is under huge constraints, the inner workings of what it takes to get a bill through is not a simple process.
    “UPMA has proven that IF we could persevere to get postal reform completed
just a short while ago, this too is not an insurmountable task.” - Paul Joseph
At the end of the day, everyone who was present felt a sense of accomplishment, pride and armed
with the knowledge that we had made a favorable impression on our elected officials and their staff.
This was due in part by communicating the plethora of accomplishments, impact on our communities
and the far reaching effects that the postal service brings to every citizen in the area we service.
For all the UPMA members (both active and retired) who attend Legislative Conference each year, it’s
not just a sight seeing trip, not just a glorified venture where you take a back seat or ‘hang out’ with
others. Everyone has a proactive role they play in visiting their actual elected Representative from
where they live. YOU are their constituent and yes, you have a right to be there.
This is true democracy at work and why we have a government in place.
WE are the reason government exists.
I would strongly ask that you consider making a trip in your future plans to attend the next Legislative
Conference with UPMA as it is because of our membership that we can affect change in Congress on
our behalf.
Every VOICE COUNTS and every member MATTERS when it comes to strength
in numbers!!!
A huge THANK YOU goes out to Postmaster (ret) Ted Gedeon who has served as our Legislative Chair
now for countless years, keeping our Ohio Chapter informed, scheduling appointments, and directing
the actions of Ohio year ‘round to ensure our voices are heard effectively and kept on point.
Ted’s tireless actions reflect great credit upon himself as a Leader, Mentor and above all else, an
Honorable Postmaster (ret) dedicated to the betterment of his community at large.
Paul Joseph - Ohio Chapter Editor

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