We recognize our award winning members
It takes hard work to make any job look easy.
It takes hard work to make any job look easy.
This Postmaster is serving in a post office that has been in operation since 1851. It is one of our most northwestern post offices near the Michigan state line.
This Postmaster is a humble leader, keeping quiet about their accomplishments and the good things they do for UPMA and USPS. This last year, they have worn many hats.
Their attributes as a humble leader are that they are receptive to new ideas. They care about the feelings and experiences of others.
They are easy to approach and make others feel comfortable around them. They offer assistance to others without seeking praise or reward.
They are generous with their time and resources. They actively seek opportunities to grow and improve. They don’t need constant validation are not driven by a desire for personal
They celebrate the successes of others, recognizing that everyone’s achievements contribute to the greater good.
They have been attending UPMA training classes, State and National Conventions, Legislative conferences and Executive Committee meetings. They have been vital in our membership goals. They have been
an asset in assisting the Ohio eCareer conferences and workshops.
They have submitted extensive documentation for Ohio to receive the Star Chapter Award. They have been serving as the PAC chair for several years and have exceeded national goal contributions and was
recognized as top contributing Chapter at National Convention.
They have now volunteered to become our new Legislative Chair for the Ohio Chapter.
We are proud to announce the recipient of the 2024 Lowery/ Goldie Award to the Honorable Postmaster, Laura Reese.
This honoree has been with UPMA for a short period of time but from day one, they have set the standard for all members to achieve in personal excellence. Starting as an Associate
member, this honoree quickly saw the value of what UPMA can do for one’s career and sought out the mentorship, knowledge and assistance available.
As they advanced to a supervisor position, they continued to offer assistance and support through recruiting efforts, mentoring as well and
attending various UPMA activities including State Chapter conventions.
This honoree didn’t just show up but rather, they were actively involved by sharing their experiences and how UPMA can better assist new members especially in career development.
This honoree has drafted and submitted articles for publication in our quarterly newsletter, offering a roadmap to success based upon their own achievements. They also attended the
Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. and addressed issues with congressional staff pertaining to pending postal related legislation.
This honoree has since been promoted to the position of Honorable Postmaster and has served as a beacon for others to reap the opportunities available at the postal service. When
a vacancy occurred on the Executive Board this year, this honoree didn’t hesitate to step up into this higher level of responsibility with the UPMA and take on even more activity to support the
His actions have not gone unnoticed. It is because of this exemplary record of selfless service from day one and a demonstrated track record of success through hard work and
determination, it is with great honor that we recognize the Honorable Postmaster Luis Rosado as the 2024 Member of the Year for the Ohio Chapter of the United Postmasters and Managers of
This retired Honorable Postmaster has had a lengthy period of service with the United States Postal Service. While he may not have served under Benjamin Franklin, rumor has it that he began his
career licking more stamps than anyone else as a rural carrier.
Since that time, this honoree went on to be come a Postmaster not in one but in six different Post Offices during his career. He also served as OIC when asked to step up numerous
More importantly, it was the work for both NAPUS and now UPMA that this honoree has performed, more so behind the scenes that matters. It wasn’t just generating a report but rather, keeping the Ohio
Chapter informed at every step of the way when it mattered the most.
Given the whirlwind of changes that the USPS has endured over time, it took leadership, determination and a sense of how to navigate perhaps the most difficult labyrinth of bureaucracy that has ever
existed and that is, the United States Congress.
This Honorable Postmaster has served as the legislative chair for the past 16 years and has repeatedly provided a timely, concise and simplistic approach on how to go up the hill year after year to
champion the needs of the postal service and more importantly, seeking change to improve the lives of all members of our organization.
The plethora of phone calls, emails, telecoms, face to face meetings and keeping this all-straight year after year is beyond comprehension and explanation. Were it not for his devotion to duty, the
Ohio Chapter would not have been successful in achieving the milestones of successful legislation that have resulted from these efforts.
It is for this exemplary record of service, commitment to excellence and serving the greater good that we are proud to recognize the 2024 Retiree of the Year Award recipient, the Honorable
Postmaster, Ted Gedeon
The Chapter awarded three during the 2024 convention.
Forellen Bonham
Forellen is the granddaughter of Harriet Weikert, Retired Postmaster of Medway.
She is a graduate of Conifer School in Conifer, CO. During her high school years, Forellen was a member of the Choir, Conifer Theatre Company, Chess club,
School Newspaper, Lobo Book Club, Concert Orchestra, and Track and Field. Forellen has been very active in 4-H
since 2010 in her county, district, and state. She has completed (56) 4-H projects in the 13 years that she has been a member. Forellen in very much intersested in the
Pryor Mountain wild horses.She is currently conducting a research project concerning Pryor
Mountain wild horse linage and genetic diversity. This fall Forellen will attend
Montana State University Billings to
pursue double major in secondary education in English and History. She also plans to minor in creative writing. She would like to teach in an underserved community. She also strives to be an author one day.
Gabrielle (Gabby) Dues
Gabby is the granddaughter of Irene Dues retired Postmaster of Ludlow Falls Ohio. She is a graduate of Versailles High School in Versailles Ohio. Gabby was active in softball,
golf, the yearbook, FTA, her church youth group, and many community activities. Gabby attended Edison Community College receiving college credits while she was in
high school. She will be a first-generation college student. Gabby will be attending the University of Cincinnati in the fall majoring in communication design. Her goal is
to obtain a good education and purse a job in communication design and someday to be
recognized for her design work.
We wish to thank you Gabby for coming to our convention with her grandparents. It was great meeting her.
Eleanor (Elli) Siegel
(Retirees reciepent)
Elli is the granddaughter of Janice Stockman Retired Postmaster of Houston Ohio. She is a graduate of Fort Loramie High School in Fort Loramie Ohio. In school Elli was a class
officer and a member of the marching band for all 4 years, She was a member of numerous clubs,
participated in golf and was involved in her church. She put much effort into her studies and being a good influence in her community. Throughout her high school years Elli
always held a job in her community. Elli will be
attending Miami University in Oxford Ohio this fall studying in the kinesiology program, (the scientific study of human body movement).
Her goal is to become a chiropractor. Elli loves the idea of healing people without the use
of medication and letting the body work through problems.